Friday, October 29, 2010

pika purple da ilang akal!

hhahhahaha...pdn muke ko purple...nme mu da msuk dlm blog ku...hahhahaha WANTED!!! sila dtg berjumpa dgn sy dgn kadar choclate yg perlu dimkn.klu x...kwn ko a.k.a semut2 loker akan mkn....n! aq da start skit...baek ko bertanggungjwb coz ajk aq lompat2 ptg td...hah! abg yg hon td kim slm kt ko..( sumpah aq nk diri je kt tgh jln je td) hahahhaa sewel punye org motor!

i'm fine

sume org bz...sbb ape?? sok dorang de paper! sy?? hahahahah ahad bru de! ehmmmm...nk cter sesuatu kt sume study...conclusion.....BUBU!!! hahhahaa tp bubu pun bz...jdk??? simpan sendiri!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

sy bahagie~

i'm happy with wht i have now~
sy de kwn2 yg gler, akak yg hebat, family yg awesome, angan2 yg indah ( gler) hahhahaa
sy ade BUBU! hahahha
sy TERambk mse yg lme utk mandi td...hhehehehe
berangan pnjgggg punyeee....hhehehehe FAHRIN AHMAD!
kuar2 je..."ingt x nk kuar da" hahhahaha mmg x nk pun! ingt nk dok je kt mengenangkn nk tgk movie.terpakse la kuar....hehhe
 ingtkn pas tgk movie nk study...
MELAYANG ke dunie FB...tq! hhahaha
de senior tulis name lctrer ikt name fb..hahhahaha hebat benar FB! hahhaha
fb x sebest hp...knape?? fb bleh ke kekal berhubung tnpe internet??
X BLEH! hhahahaha

dy tipu!

sy kne tanam sifat "dy tipu" x maw tertipu lg...yg sudah tu sudah whai syafiqah... ;)
sy kne mule hidup bru...ape yg dy ckp, sume x leh percye
bleh x anda simpan sume tu dlm akal anda whai syafiqah??

Monday, October 25, 2010


Thank God coz i'm get to it at last... huhuu a bit sedih.But, it's okay... sy rse sy akan dpt kawal sume tu..hehehe pika kn kuat! hehehe sy hepi akak da balik...hahahha de geng nk sembang! nk maen badminton ptg! kak ct ckp...maen2 la, maen.t ko sakit! hahahha sakit de ubt la kak hal laaaa ;)

he said something

Ya x taw knape aq bleh ngs.bodoh taw! aq sedih...knape? he said something to me... knape aq jdk mcm ni??? lbh baek aq tido...klu x...penyakit serangan ingatan akan dtg.huhuhuhu daaaaa

Sunday, October 24, 2010


sy de kakak...mcm2 kitorg wat same2...contoh:
1. g hospital
2. g shopping
3. g merayap
4. bergosip
5. mkn
6. mandi ( laen2 bilik air ye!)
7. dan lain2
ni sem last kakak...huhuhu sy sedih! x de org maw kasi sy ubat lg....
kpd insan bernama nur hafizah md shaari...terima kasih sgt2.akak sgt2 baek.klu x de akak, x de sape nk dgr celoteh kite ari2..huhuuhuhuuuu

Saturday, October 23, 2010

 somoeone: org panggil
pika: me?? sape??
comot: i'm x pnh tinggalkn awk.i love u more than u know.setiap mlm sy duduk sblah awk, tgk taw sume mimpi awk...
pika: tipu...awk kn da lupe sape sy
comot: sy x pnah lupe!! sy tetap dgn janji sy
pika: janji? huhhu

ttbe...alooonnngggggg! bgn subuh! hahahha...ok fine! aq mimpi buruk...hahha pika senget akan sentiase senget klu dy trus mcm ni.dy perlu keluar dari kepopong yg da buruk tu.dy kne cipta awan yg baru...hahaha here comes idea merepek lg.hahaha better chow be4 lg mengarut...daaaaa

Monday, October 18, 2010


sy suke sy malu.;) sy tkt...dy x dpt terime sy.. ;P sY suke sama dy!

suatu hari di station bas

what can i said...lain tmpt, lain ok...perlu ke bile org tnye elok2...kite wat bdoh je?
perlu ke kite tarik2 langsir dlm bas semate2 x nk kena chaye?? ape2 je la...msing2 de hak sendiri kn?
second, the way dorang pndg pompuan....mcm x pnh tgk pompuan kot.mslahnye! yg pki jubah pun kne pndg mcm tu...dahsyat gler kot! then...taktik mengurat.chhoooiiiiii.....bile pompuan tu x maw lyn, eh mrah! x pham seh...knape dgn dorang ni? kind of miang terlebih kot

Saturday, October 16, 2010

bubu ;)

bubu!! hehhehe suke nme tu...buek3!!  sy suke langit berarak perlahan ( merepek pas bce novel melayu lame2)
hahahha...since da pindah penang, rmai la jiran baru.cter klakar! adik2 sy jdk bahan perhatian..." bdak johor tu lawa la", "awk2...awk da de gf?" ,"nazrin..jom kite maen msak2 nk x?"...hahahha klakar!

x pham..

x pham bile de org suke sgt ikt2 kite..helo! i'm not superstar k? g ikt org lain laaaa...please! x suke kamu ikt2 saye...pnat doh lyn kerenah ko....huuhu

Thursday, October 14, 2010

sy menipu..

sy tlah menipu semlm...huhuhu menipu demi kebaikan, menjage ati, menjage persahabatan...arrgghhhhhh! x maw wat cm tu lg! ;( x sengaje menipu...berdosa x?? Mesti la pika...senget punye budak
dear comot...this is the second day aq tulis psal ko.i really miss u like damn much! klu aq bleh rewind blik mase..Sumpah! aq x kn bazir sume mse aq dgn ko..i wish kite hang out same2...mkn kt kedai cik yah.huhuhu :( aq da lme x g kdai cik yah.x sampai lalu je.x beli ape2 pun.coz aq selalu janji dgn ko," t kite mkn kt kdi cikyah k? sgt3 sedap!" t ko blas.." kedekut mne nk blanje org lain" ;) and u used to pujuk sy klu merajuk dgn " alalalalla...jgn la merajuk.bihun goreng cik yah 1 t k? " ;) MISS THAT MOMENT LAAAAA....i know bnde tu nmpk mcm sesuatu yg mustahil skrg ni...yg pasti just, i love u till the end ;(

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

need u...deeply

hate it when it comes to..."jom kuar" why?
1. x de mood maw kuar
2. sy rse kuar itu membzr
3. sy da x de mse utk dri sendiri...LANGSUNG!!!!!
4. de org ckp smthing yg x ptt dy ckp kt sy smlm...i'm kind of emo smpi skrg
5. seriously emo dgn ape yg jdk to myself this week...
6. HATE IT!!!! i want to cry.but, there is no one would listen to...i miss my comot!! :( nk kau! since ko x de, aq rse kosong.tiap2 mlm i'm crying over u...i miss u like damn much! i miss the moment that u always share with me... :( aq x jumpe org len yg bleh wat aq hepi mcm mne ko wat kt len bleh wat aq tenang bile aq ngs,tp x nk kau! sgt2!! ko de power yg bleh wat aq trus x sedih bile aq sedih.ko de power yg bleh cheer me up.seriously...i need u!! i dream of u every day.every single day...i'm crying in my dreams.i want u here.Right here...just for me to share all my problems.I hate the feeling that comes...i miss u dear comot.Hope u happy there... I don't know whether u still remember me or not.what i know just..Love u till the end. ;(

ctu test ~

smlm x de mood maw bce buku...bce2,tgk2 je buku tu...bace without lekat kat minda otak. Fine mmg sy mls! hahaha siap order mcD bagai...konon2 as a back up utk study.ending? Hampeh gler...tido gak
bgn2 je da lmbt...conclusion, x bleh nk tgk air kuar dulu...huhuhu sedih gler! :( kne mndi cpt2...
huhuhu mira call byk kli.dy risau aq x bgn...LovE u la miraaaaa!!! muaahhhh2!!
g test....fine! ustazah t gler best.meje x jarak langsung! meaning...x pe la aq bce x lekat mlm td.hahahhaha muke evil!!! ape lg kn, sesi menanye org la kn....tQ! to mira utk jwpan no 1...Jalilah utk jwpan no!!! hahahaha tq2 ~~

silence mood~~

ape itu silence mood?
silence mood bermaksud...mood diam.hehehe direct translation. In life, there are lot of silence mood...
maw tahu??
  1. senyap time exam * berfikir
  2. senyap time gaduh * I don't want to talk to you
  3. senyap time kelas * study time
  4. senyap time mkn * mkn x bleh b'ckp
  5. senyap time date * malu2 kucing
  6. senyap time ngah b'ckp * aq nk ckp ape ek td...
  7. senyap time tido * tido pun nk ckp ka?
  8. senyap time kt library * klu bising kne halau la jwbnye

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

people always ask me...are u ok? why?? sy mmg x pandai simpan perasaan atau kamu2 yg terlebih2 observe sy? org x taw ape yg sy rse..sbb sy je rse ape yg sy ape2 pun, sy x de la smpi tahap kurang ajar kt org smpi nk mrh2 x tentu psal.ko ingt ko sorang je ke pndi rse mrh,skit ati,sakit n whateva.Tq la coz wat aq sedar sape ko...jgn pure2 baek dgn aq .coz aq x yakin smpi bile ko bleh baek dgn aq...
ok...close that dumb thing.huhuhu
Org selalu ckp, kite kne percye kt org.tu pntg...For me, have a trust to someone is normal.But, once kite da dpt clue yg that person already have something yg mcm nk tipu.x kn kite nk percye gak kn? Klu kite percaye gak...BEST! kite yg merana after tht.Maw ngs pun da x gne rsenye..maw ckp kt org? org len hanye mampu tgk kite dgn mke kesian.BKN tu yg sy mahukn! sy mahukan kata2 semangat.bkn kata2 yg bleh wat sy down lg...i need someone who can cheer me up...i do!  

Monday, October 11, 2010


Dear heart...
please take this kind of heart beat far away from me...
seriously! take it all away...
i'm begging U...huhuhuhu
i can't take it anymore...
sy x suke! mengerti x???

Sunday, October 10, 2010

malu tp mahu!!!

kak fiza: nk x ubt tu?
budak degil: x maw
kak fiza: betul?
bdak degil: btol...
kak fiza: klu sakit mcmne?
bdak degil: t bru mntk....
setelah beberape jam......
bdak degil maw mntk ubt kak fiza yg best dy malu.sbb kak fiza da tnye byk kli.da byk kli jugak dy tolak...conclusion: jgn DEGIL lain kali....dan bdak degil pun kne la tukar name jgn bdak yang mendgr ckp.. ;)

sy hepi! ;)

seminggu yg menggila dgn assignmnt, test, kuiz tlah diback up dgn kesakitan..hahahhaha TERBAEK!!! ape yg sy perlukan :
1. MC seminggu
2. ubt yg bleh ilangkn trus sakit ni
3. ibu sy!!! ibuuuuuu...huhuu maw ibu punya tgn untuk usap2 sy
4. power yg bleh lenyapkn semua assigmnt yg nk kne antar! buek3!!!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

ckp2 org

ehm..manusie dikurniakan instinct right??
should follow it or not?
when ever we had problem, we will ask for opinion from frens, family, jiran2, makcik cleaner. Am i right?
But...btul ke that person benar2 pham ape yg kite rse?
kadang2 gerak ati kite kuat mengatakan bnde yg kite rse tu org sekeliling selalu ckp..." no's just bnde mngarut yg ko rse" klu bnde tu mengarut sgt..knape org tue2 selalu ckp..."ikt gerak hati kadang2 membantu"
why?? still lg nak berpaksikn bnde yg difikirkan real. As example la kn..kite knal a guy.then kite rse dy da de gf.tetapi kwn2 kite mngatakan, "tidak la, itu hanya gosip semata" Gosip apenye klu da sah2 kt fb saling ber like2 kn? hurm...yg mne kite perlu percye? kata hati atau kata mati?? huhu So, as the conclusion, bijak2 la dlm menentukan ape yg kite nk pki dlm menyelesaikan masalah kite...ape2 pun, for the best solution..minta la dr yg Esa. Allah sentiasa suka kepada hambaNya yang gemar berdoa ;)
pika senget!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


 i'm try to find for broken by sezali..
x jumpe utk msuk dlm blog.sooooo
lirik pun ok la kn??

Dropped off your keys last night,
The front door still unpainted.
You were polite like ice,
I, once could met it.
You took our pictures down,
And you left them on the ground
Its like you wiped all the memories,
Of what we used to be...
You and me, before it all crashed down.

And I know I never told you,
That I love you,
Now its all too late.
And I don't know how to hold you,
But I want to,
I don't want to leave this way.
All I know,
Is broken.

I heard your voice break, when you said,
"well I hope you're happy".
Nothin' to say, I'll stare, straight into my coffee.
Then the conversation changed,
How we talked around the blame,
And the pain of losing.
All of the good times lost,
When it all crashed down.

And I know I never told you,
That I love you,
Now its all too late.
And I don't know how to hold you,
But I want to,
I don't want to leave this way.
All I know...
Is broken.

Well I'm here if you need me,
I know you don't believe me.
well I'm so sorry,
For all the pain I've caused.

And I know I never told you,
That I love you,
Now its all too late.
And I don't know how to hold you,
But I want to,
I don't want to leave this way.
All I know...
Is broken.

pika senget!
credit utk mun2! hhahaha anda telah berjaye membuat sy terharu dgn LBS...superrrbbbbb! dr awl smpi telah kehabisan tisu.hhahhaha best gler!!!
tisu tu de 3 kot...2 da jdk arwah.tinggal la yg itu keseorangan..hhuuhu
x pe2.t pika razali yg comel ni g mntk sponsor kt soon hin MALL lg k??
" sy janji, sy tunggu awk" power r!! dy btol2 tepati janji kot!! syabas inspektor sahab!
hehhehe...owh hah! LBS da dlm "baby" sy...nice one! bleh tgk klu lectrr membebel...hahhaha
opppspssssss! senget btol ko pika!
tajaan soon hin mall..hahaha

Friday, October 1, 2010

kwn sy ckp...sabar la sikit
sy ckp...x maw! x mahu lg...x sanggup tunggu!
kwn sy....maw ke x maw??
sy....x maw!!!!!!
kwn sy....kenape???
sy....gler ke suruh aq g kt kucing ckp i love u???


sy da dpt air mangga sy!!! hahahhaa terima kasih la whai en jue sbb memastikan air sy itu benar air mangga...en??? hahahahha senget la ko pika!